Our Team

Collection Officer - Ivan Muremeredzo

Collection Officer - Ivan Muremeredzo

  • Bachelor of Business Studies, (Finance and Banking)Honours Degree Part-time (University of Zimbabwe)(current studies)

Ivan Muremeredzo is a first year student studying for an Honours degree in Finance and Banking Part-time with the University of Zimbabwe. He has joined our Collection department on the 20th of May 2018.

Ivan Muremeredzo holds a full National Diploma in Banking and Finance offered by the HEXCO with Mutare Polytechnic College in Zimbabwe in the year 2008. He is a Student member of the Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators in Zimbabwe (CIS) at level Part B and a member of International Institute of Certified Forensic Investigators Professional (IICFIP) USA with a master class qualification CFIP.

He has served for 5 years as a Law Enforcement Agent, Zimbabwe Republic Police and worked another 5 years in Credit Management and Debt Recovery with ample experience in tracing and investigating absconding delinquent debtors and reconciliation. Ivan has vast experience in managing Microfinance Institution's and consumer credit.


29 January 2025




No. 25 George Silundika Avenue
Regal Star House


08644 143 665, 08644 143 661
08644 143 089, 08644 144 119
08644 143 611, 08644 107 399
08644 084 446