Collection Officer - Ivan Muremeredzo
- Bachelor of Business Studies, (Finance and Banking)Honours Degree Part-time (University of Zimbabwe)(current studies)
Ivan Muremeredzo is a first year student studying for an Honours degree in Finance and Banking Part-time with the University of Zimbabwe. He has joined our Collection department on the 20th of May 2018.
Ivan Muremeredzo holds a full National Diploma in Banking and Finance offered by the HEXCO with Mutare Polytechnic College in Zimbabwe in the year 2008. He is a Student member of the Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators in Zimbabwe (CIS) at level Part B and a member of International Institute of Certified Forensic Investigators Professional (IICFIP) USA with a master class qualification CFIP.
He has served for 5 years as a Law Enforcement Agent, Zimbabwe Republic Police and worked another 5 years in Credit Management and Debt Recovery with ample experience in tracing and investigating absconding delinquent debtors and reconciliation. Ivan has vast experience in managing Microfinance Institution's and consumer credit.